31 Jan. 2022

Internet traffic continued to increase in 2021: exchange point BNIX recorded new record peaks

The increase in Internet traffic in our country continued in 2021. This is according to figures from BNIX, the national Internet exchange point through which a large proportion of Belgian Internet traffic passes. Both average traffic and peaks were higher in 2021 than in 2020, which itself was an absolute record year. Currently, operator Belnet is completely revamping the BNIX platform, in part to be prepared for future data surges.
27 Oct. 2021

An update on the new BNIX infrastructure

In 2021 we’ve launched a project to replace the BNIX infrastructure. The motivation to do so was given by numerous factors. The first one is the obvious fact that hardware always reaches an end of life. But the opportunity was taken to do more than a simple copy paste with new switches. We wanted to have a flexible, scalable and easy to manage platform. On top of this an update of the services was necessary and this also resulted in the development of a new portal, based on IXP Manager.
21 Oct. 2021

Press release: Belnet renews BNIX, the Belgian internet exchange

Belnet, the IT partner for research, education and public services, is launching its brand new BNIX platform at the beginning of 2022. BNIX is the internet exchange that channels the larger part of Belgian internet traffic. The goal of the project is to make BNIX future proof, with the ever increasing data streams as one of the main drivers, and to become even more able to meet specific client demands.

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