An internet exchange point (IXP) is a physical infrastructure for exchanging local internet traffic. What are its benefits? Increased internet speed quality and a reduction in data transport costs.

What is an Internet exchange point for?

An internet exchange point (IXP) is a physical infrastructure, which offers participating organisations and companies with their own IP protocol (which is also referred to as an “Autonomous System”) to interconnect and exchange internet traffic. In other words, BNIX (Belgian National Internet eXchange) ’s physical infrastructure enables its interconnected customers to exchange local Internet traffic with mutual agreements called “peering” agreements.

IP networks interconnected by a peering system therefore enable a direct data exchange. Telenet, Proximus, Orange, Voo, and EDPnet in particular are BNIX clients. Like other major players in the content field, such as Facebook, Microsoft, OVH and VRT.

Why take part in an Internet exchange point?

An internet node contributes to the development of local Internet: exchanges between our participants no longer go through foreign infrastructure (Paris, London, or even New York) They remain in the local country: Belgium. The BNIX improves the speed and quality of the IP traffic within Belgian Internet service provider networks, content providers, hosts and companies.

Do you wish to exchange Internet traffic with peers, improve the quality of your Internet speed and avoid high additional costs relating to data transport?  By taking part in the BNIX, your organisation not only gains efficiency and reliability, it also reduces its costs. 

Do you wish to exchange Internet traffic with peers, improve the quality of your Internet speed and gain efficiency, while reducing your costs?

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