The Belgian National Internet Exchange

The belgian heart of Internet

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Traffic - Numbers & statistics

Since the implementation in 1995, the BNIX platform improved tremendously.

BNIX processes a gigantic amount of datastream on a daily base.


Number of participants

Latest News

31 Jan. 2022

Internet traffic continued to increase in 2021: exchange point BNIX recorded new record peaks

The increase in Internet traffic in our country continued in 2021. This is according to figures from BNIX, the national Internet exchange point through which a large proportion of Belgian Internet traffic passes. Both average traffic and peaks were higher in 2021 than in 2020, which itself was an absolute record year. Currently, operator Belnet is completely revamping the BNIX platform, in part to be prepared for future data surges.

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Belnet is the Belgian research network for higher education, research and public services. It has set up and manages the BNIX, the Belgian National Internet eXchange, since 1995.



The European Internet Exchange Association (Euro-IX) gathers 73 IXPs from around the world. It was formed in May 2001 with the intention to develop, strengthen and improve the Internet Exchange Point (IXP) community.


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