All major Belgian internet service providers (Proximus, Telenet, VOO and Belnet) are represented on the Belgian National Internet Exchange BNIX. By connecting to BNIX, you gain operational reliability and enhance the user experience of your clients.

As an internet service provider, it is interesting to have part of your internet traffic pass through the BNIX platform so that you lower the capacity strain on your transit connections, thereby reducing operational costs. Moreover, direct connections between BNIX participants ensure that the number of hops is limited so your end users enjoy a faster connection.

As an ISP, you are heavily dependent on IP transit. If one of these providers fails, you can lose routing control and experience service interruptions. The exchange of traffic via BNIX ensures continuity during disruptions in transit connections.

Moreover, the BNIX platform is extremely stable and safe. The BNIX infrastructure is spread over three neutral data centres. If a problem arises in one location, communication is still possible via the other locations. In addition, your connection to the BNIX platform is monitored 24/7.

BNIX lowered its rates for connections starting at 1G and for all extra (back-up) ports on 1 January 2020. This makes it even more interesting to connect to BNIX or to upgrade.

“From a technical perspective, your platform is stable and delivers the expected performance; but it is your commitment to maintaining good communication with your partners which makes you unique.”

Christophe Ponsen (Dsl & Internet Network Domain Manager at Proximus)

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